QL Commander v2.0

Andrei Tenu has released QL Commander v2.0. This is a new version of the same program originally released last year via QL Forum.

The author describes it as “an orthodox file manager (OFM), inspired by the Norton Commander that was widely used in late ‘80s and during the 1990’s on PCs. QLC provides a text-based user interface for managing files on top of QDOS, on expanded QLs.”

QL Commander has a dual window display, letting you see the list of files from two devices at once and is text-based and keyboard controlled, although the author states that “mouse functionality is panned to be integrated” at some point.

An 18 page PDF manual is supplied.

QLCommander can run both in QDOS and SMSQE. In QDOS it will run in mode 4. In SMSQ/E it can be configured to run in all modes, including high res and 8 bit colour and high colour modes.

Fonts and uncompressed mode 4/8 512×256 pixel graphics and text files can be viewed from within the program.

The program can copy multiple files and/or directories, including subdirectories (tree copy and delete). It can also use a copy of QDOS Unzip to unzip a zip file.

Download QL Commander and its source files from QL Forum, at https://www.qlforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2669&start=90