Monthly Archives: October 2013

A5 QL User Guide eBooks

I’ve uploaded new eBooks to my website. These are:

1. QL User Guide, Introduction, Beginners Guide, Concepts and Keywords guides.

2. A re-hashed version of Martin Head’s QPC Concepts and QPC keywords guide.

These are A5 layout, in .pdf, .epub, .mobi and .azw3 formats (azw3 is hopefully for Kindles). Hopefully they’ll be easier to read on eBook readers as the pages won’t be shrunk so much to display, although some eBook readers can override margins, font sizes etc.

Available to download from

SMSQ/E Sprites

SMSQE Sprites is a Java program from Wolfgang Lenerz for converting GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG and JPG graphics to SMSQ/E sprites in screen modes 4, 16, 32 and 64. The program can add reflections of the image. Download it from my site at  or direct from Wolfgang’s site.

D-Miner Game

D-Miner v0.22 from Per Witte is a Minesweeper clone for advanced QL systems. Needs SMSQ/E v3.00 or later with GD2 (colour drivers) and QMenu by Jochen Merz. Can use the Sampled Sound System for sound effects if available on your system. Source files included. 395KB download from

GST QL Assemblers

With much appreciated help from Rich Mellor, the GST QL Assembler, Macro Assembler and Quanta Q-Mac are now available to download from the Dilwyn Jones website at

The Macro Assembler is available as a floppy disk version, or a two microdrive cartridge (program and library cartridges) version. The editor is included now.

Manuals are also available to download as PDF files. Note that the manual for the QL Assembler is rather large by QL standards at about 10MB.

Urs Koenig got permission from GST’s founder to release GST’s QL software as freeware a little while back, and Quanta committee decided after that to allow the Q-Mac (Quanta modified version of the Macro Assembler) to be made available for all QL users (previously only available to members).

Lands Of Havoc Re-Released

RWAP Software have made available to purchase once more the arcade game Lands of Havoc for the QL, at 5 pounds plus postage from

Lands of Havoc is a large graphical arcade adventure, where you have to explore a large maze made of 2000 screens, in order to collect items which will open up new levels. Your task is to explore the Lands of Havoc, and collect various items (starting with the Book of Change) which can be used to defeat the Dark Lords.

Complete QL Today Index

Now that the final issue of QL Today has been published, Brian Kemmett has put together a complete index to all 17 volumes of the magazine. The index is available to download as a PDF file from

QL Today went out in style, with a DVD jam-packed with all sorts of QL software and content of all sort. The DVD was put together by Urs König in Switzerland and includes such gems as a copy of the ARM processor version of the uQLx emulator by Tobias Fröschle, including a version for the Raspberry Pi. This is also available to download from

Spectrum Super Basic?

Tobias Fröschle let us know about this.

If you’re only looking for a similar environment (i.e. not an exact copy of SuperBASIC), it might be worth looking into SpecBAS, an evolved reMake of 1980 Spectrum Basic for various modern platforms. It’s not exactly SuperBASIC, but “feels like it” (Or, rather, like a “Spectrum on steroids”)

QemuLator Update for Mac OS X

QemuLator for Mac OS X has a trial mode now that allows unregistered users to run QL software on it. In trial mode, emulation is limited to a 128 KB QL and some advanced features are not available.

The new “Try” button in the startup/registration window allows emulating a QL with 128 KB or RAM and speed similar to that of the 68008 CPU.