QL Forum
QL Forum is, well, a forum for QL users. Set up by Peter Scott and Rob Heaton, it has grown to be one of the most popular QL related resources on the web. At the time of writing this in 2013, the forum saw a regular few new names join up, some retro computing enthusiasts, others who have returned to using the QL after some years. We’ve even seen people join who’ve just bought their first QL!
It’s a traditional forum in many respects, where you can just ‘lurk’ and read the posts, or you can sign up for free and contribute as much or as little content as you wish. The forum welcomes questions and help requests and many of the ‘movers and shakers’ of the QL community are regularly on there. You’ll find news and in depth discussions on all sorts of subjects related to the QL.
To sign up, all you need to do is visit www.qlforum.co.uk and click on the Register link on there. You’ll get a sign up email and then all you need do is remember your login and password. It has a well thought out front page, with the subject categories nicely divided into straightforward subject sets such as QL Software, Hardware, Emulation, For Sale and so on.