Tag Archives: squidgy

Squidgy Update

Having found that the Squidgy Around The World game would not run on some QL systems with the PLACExx files in drive 2 as recommended, Detlef Obermann sent me a version altered to run entirely from a single drive system, FLP1_.

Detlef also notes that “it’s not possible to run the Squidgy game as a mounted ZIP under Q-emulator. You need to expand  it  to a real folder, independent of whether it’s on an emulator or on an Black Box QL”. We think that’s caused bý the write protection, the progam tries to write highscore files, which would not be possible to a zipped file attached to a QemuLator drive slot.

Download the updated version of Squidgy from http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/games/index.html

Squidgy in the poppy fields screen shot

Squidgy in the poppy fields