Tag Archives: ql forum

QL Forum – Live Chat

The new Live Online Chat has proven fairly popular so far, with members online most nights now, although only a relatively small number of the 223 QL Forum members use the facility at any one time. It tends to be a mix of the QL news of the moment, general chat, helping each other out with problems, discussing what we’re all up to at the time and so on, quite interesting getting to chat to other QL users in real time occasionally. For example, Dave Park of Sandy Electronics is on there several nights a week – this would be a good chance to chat to him and ask him about the exciting QL products he plans for release this year, including those already available such as the Gold Card replacement batteries, Minerva, microdrive felt pads and Mplane.

It was while on there one evening that I found out about his plans for the low cost SuperRAM, an 896K RAM card, designed for users with QL-SD (which works better with expanded RAM, although it can work on a 128K system) and older disk interfaces with no RAM expansion.

To join in the Online Chat, we are on most evenings at around 9pm UK time. You have to be a QL Forum member (signing up is free of course).

Once signed into the Forum, you will see a link above, called ‘Online Chat’ (This sits next to the ‘User Control Panel’)

You can also connect via an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client of your choice, using the following settings;

IRC Server: chat.qlforum.co.uk
Port: 6667
Channel Name: #qlforum

QL Forum Is 3 Years Old!

Mid-November saw the third birthday of QL Forum. Happy birthday to what is probably the most popular meeting place for QL enthusiasts, thanks to the efforts of Peter Scott and Rob Heaton. At the time of writing the Forum has 193 members worldwide and subjects discussed are as diverse as ever and sometimes controversial too! Even better news is that Peter Scott, responsible for so much of the success of QL Forum, has volunteered to assist Quanta with our own website, given that our own website has sometimes not been our best selling point at times in the past!