Tag Archives: QATS


QATS, otherwise known as the QL Application Traffic Supervisor, is a formerly commercial program from Gordon Henson at Cope, which was made shareware. It’s a utility designed to reduce the number of keystrokes needed to perform housekeeping and task control on your QL.

QATS is menu driven, and the menus can be tailored to your QL setup and way of working to maximise your productivity. Includes facilities for controlling the Psion programs and other executables, swoppers and Basic programs, wildcard filename processing file and job management facilities.Works best with JS or Minerva QL ROMs, some facilities may not work on earlier ROM versions.

Several Quill _doc files included, and a scanned PDF original manual also available. Download from

http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/utils/index.html   (139K download)