Tag Archives: Blog


And speaking of Urs, he has informed me that his personal blog, which includes a lot of writing about QL matters, can now be found at https://plus.google.com/104042128125238901905

While I’m at it, here’s a list of a few QL-related blogs I’m aware of – if you know of any more, let me know and I can publicise them here:

http://qemulator.blogspot.co.uk/        Daniele Terdina, author of QemuLator

https://dilwyn2.wordpress.com/         Dilwyn Jones blog (highly recommended of course!!!)

http://backtotheql.blogspot.co.uk/      Lee Privett’s blog.

http://oldmachinery.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/ql    Old Machinery blog, QL entries,  by Tero Heikkinen

http://qlheaven.blogspot.co.uk/          QL Heaven blog.

https://sinclairqles.wordpress.com/    Spanish QL blog.

https://sinclairql.wordpress.com/       Italian QL software preservation blog.

http://www.hunggartorino.it/ql/about-us/         Quantum Technology site, Italian and English.