Italian QL Meeting

The 13th Italian QL meeting took place on Sunday 20th November 2016 at the DTM Technologies premises in Modena.

Organiser Davide Santachiara reported after the meeting that 9 people attended from all over Italy, with others attending remotely via WebEx conference. Many others apologised that they were unable to attend on the day, showing that there was still a healthy interest in QL meetings in Italy.

An English session was held in the afternoon so that QL users outside Italy could take part. It was a pretty busy day and the start time for the English session was delayed slightly to 3pm. A total of 18 people took part in that.

Davide expressed thanks to Jan Bredenbeek, Marcel Kilgus, and Urs König for their contributions to the discussions. They talked about their story, past projects, QL meetings around Europe,  Fidonet BBS, ZX81, Giro d’Italia, MIST, and also talked about ongoing and future projects like Urs König and Giorgio Garabello’s QL distribution packages, Black Phoenix, The Distribution and QL/E.

This was the 13th Italian QL meeting, first one being in Gardone Riviera (1989).

Davide says that pictures and videos taken at the meeting will be made available in the coming weeks – keep an eye on the web page