SQRview Update

Bob Spelten jr. has released an update of his SQRview graphics viewer program, v1.02 of which is available to download free from http://members.chello.nl/b.spelten/ql/sqrview.html

In addition to the original specs, this program now uses David Westbury’s PHGTK extensions to do fast JPEG, GIF and PNG graphics file conversions as well as BMP files, QL screen , PIC, PSA and sprite files. It is also possible to convert to GD2 sprite file format. The options are many and varied.

Trimming is supported, allowing you to shave a little bit off the edges of a picture to adjust its size.

SQRview requires a Window Manager 2 system to run – this would mean SMSQ/E v3.00 or later – and the Menu Extension.