Dilwyn Jones QL Blog

As if inflicting his writings on you in Quanta magazine and everywhere else was not enough, Dilwyn Jones has now started a QL blog. A blog is a kind of online diary, a day to day description of a person’s activities in relation to a hobby or business, for example. In this case, it’s all QL-related.

You can subscribe to the blog to follow it so that you receive notifications of new posts by email, simply by supplying your email address and clicking on the Follow button on th eleft of its main page. This is not a commercial thing at all, your email address is only used for the WordPress system to send you the blog emails (well, government spying systems apart, I suppose).

At the time of writing, posted subjects included topics as diverse as transparent windows, latest on the Q-Dock program, SD cards and Compact Flash cards with Qubide. Visit the blog at http://dilwyn2.wordpress.com and see what you think, if you like it, subscribe and receive notifications of the posts by email.